Kitzbühel, am Fuße des Hahnenkammes (1.712 m) und des Kitzbüheler Horns (1.996 m) gilt als eines der bedeutendsten Wintersportzentren in Österreich. Mit rund 10.000 Hotel- und Pensionsbetten besitzt Kitzbühel mit seinen Nachbarorten auch eine ungewöhnlich hohe Fremdenbettendichte.
Den Urlaubern in Kitzbühel stehen im lokalen Skigebiet 56 Seilbahn- und Liftanlagen sowie 168 Pistenkilometer zur Verfügung, hinzu kommen für die Langläufer 40 Loipen-Kilometer. Im Sommer gibt es 120 km mit dem Mountainbike und 500 km mit den Wanderschuhen zu erkundschaften. Weitere Attraktionen sind die sechs Tennis- und vier Golfplätze, das Kitzbüheler Schwimmbad, Österreichs einzige Curlinghalle sowie der Schwarzsee.
Besondere Erwähnung verdient der Tourismus im Hochpreissegment, da viele Prominente und der Jetset unter anderem zur Zeit des Hahnenkammrennens hierher kommen.
----- E N G L I S H -----
Kitzbühel (pronounced 'kɪtsbyːl) is a small medieval town in Tyrol, Austria. It has a population of about 8,100. The town is situated in the Kitzbühel Alps about 100 kilometres (62 mi) east of the state capital of Innsbruck. It is a ski resort of international renown.
Kitzbühel is one of Austria's best-known and fanciest winter sports resorts, situated between the mountains Hahnenkamm (5616 ft, 1712 m) and Kitzbühler Horn (6548 ft, 1996 m). The Hahnenkamm is home of the annual World Cup ski races, including the circuit's most important event, the downhill race on the famous Streif slope. This downhill is counted as one of the toughest downhill competitions in the World Cup.
Together with the pistes and ski lifts in neighbouring Kirchberg in Tirol, Jochberg and by the Thurn Pass Kitzbühel is one of the largest ski regions in Austria. With around 10,000 hotel and guest house beds, Kitzbühel and its neighbours have an unusually high density of guest accommodation.
Holidaymakers in Kitzbühel have 56 cableway and lift facilities and 168 kilometres of slopes available to them, as well as 40 kilometres of groomed cross-country skiing tracks. Of note is the relatively new 3S Cable Car, the cable car with the highest above-ground span in the world.
In summer there are 120 km (75 mi) of mountain bike paths and 500 km (311 mi) of hiking trails.
Other attractions include six tennis courts and four golf courses, the Kitzbühel swimming pool, Austria's only curling hall and the bathing lake of Schwarzsee.
Kitzbühel also caters for the high end of the tourist market, as many celebrities and the jet set come here for the international races on the Hahnenkamm.
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